Please note, we try our hardest to keep this list up to date, but as our livestock is constantly being sold and replenished, we advise you to contact us before traveling to the store if you’re interested in a particular animal.
- Mystery Snail
- Dwarf Mexican Orange Lobster
- Green Jade Shrimp
- Blueberry Shrimp
- Amano Shrimp
- Koi Female Betta
- Polar Blue Parrot Cichlid
- Pea Puffer
- Asst. Glo-Tetras
- Asst. Glo-Cory Catfish
- Asst. Glo- Barbs
- Red Glo-Angelfish
- Kribensis
- Asst. Male Bettas
- Longfin Neon Rosy Barb
- Deep Water Rainbowfish
- Red Dragon Rainbowfish
- Lemon Blue Eye Pleco
- Blue Dolphin Cichlid
- Bushynose Pleco
- Electric Blue Ahli
- Albino Tiger Barb
- Red Empress Cichlid
- Asst. Fancy Female Guppies
- Rubberlip Pleco
- Green Tiger Endler Guppy
- Otto Catfish
- Skunk Cory
- Pictus Catfish
- Tiger Barb
- Panda Cory
- Longfin Danio
- Marble Molly
- Shubunkin Goldfish
- Asst. Male Guppies
- Neon Tetra
- Penguin Tetra
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Marigold Swordtail
- Serpae Tetra
- Punctatus Cory
- Albino Cory
- Silver Dollar
- Melanistus Cory
- Dwarf Gourami
- Gold Tetra
- Snowball Pleco
- Green Phantom Pleco
- Asst. Platy
- Paradise Gourami
- Balloon Molly
- Electric Blue Acara
- Nerite Snail
- Asst. Fancy Guppies
- Lg/XL Fire Eel
- Peacock Eel
- Glolite Tetra
- Lemon Tetra
- Bloodfin Tetra
- White Cloud Mountain Minnow
- Lima Shovelnose
- Siamese Algae Eater
- Pea Puffer
- Bufferfly Moor Goldfish
- Shubunkin Goldfish
- Longfin Bushynose Pleco
- Albino Bushynose Pleco
- Assassin Snail
- Asst. Mystery Snail
- Apple Snail
- Black Long Fin Tetra
- Bleeding Heart Tetra
- Head and Tail Light Tetra
- Neon Tetra
- Glo Green Male Betta
- Rusty Cichlid
- Longfin Green Danio
- Asst. Peacock Cichlids
- Asst. Endler Guppies
- Celestial Pearl Danio
- Red Chilli Oscar
- Arowana
- Otto Cat
- Half Moon Female Betta
- Blue Phantom Pleco
- Gold Nugget Pleco
- Skunk Cory
- Koi Female Betta
- Hillstream Loach
- Tiger Moray Eel
- Trewavasae Cichlid
- Sailfin Molly
- Clown Pleco
- Rubberlip Pleco
- Asst. Male Guppies
- Zebra Botia
- Pea Puffer
- Paradise Gourami
- Bolivian Ram
- Bamboo Shrimp
- Blue Dwarf Crayfish
- Orange Dwarf Crayfish
- Mystery Snail
- Tricolor Lobster
- Amano Shrimp
- Black Bee Shrimp
- Fancy Red Tiger Shrimp
- Fancy Red Bee Shrimp
- Balloon Sailfin Molly
- Albino Rainbow Shark
- Spotted Rafael Catfish
- Bumblebee Catfish
- Albino Irridescent Shark
- Synodontis Eupterus Catfish
- Green Terror Cichlid
- Salvini Cichlid
- Red Head Cichlid/Synspilum Cichlid
- Marble Sailfin Pleco
- Lyretail Gold Dust Molly
- Kuhli Loach
- Borneo Sucker Loach
- Clown Loach
- Albino Paradise Gourami
- Butterfly Moore Goldfish
- Bubble Eye Goldfish
- Longfin Danio
- Fire Eel
- Albino Compressicep
- Albino Cory
- Firemouth Meeki
- Crowntail Betta
- Half Moon Betta
- Koi Female Betta
- Panda Tetra
- Red and Blue Colombian Tetra
- Dalmatian Molly
- Hi-Fin Neon Barb
- Head and Tail Light Tetra
- Clown Knife
- Madagascar Rainbowfish
- Asst. Endler Guppies
- Florida Flagfish
- Albino Dwarf Frog - Amphibian
- White Fin Tetra
- Venustus Cichlid
- Parkinsoni Rainbowfish
- Glowlite Rasbora
- Asst. Koi
- Red Millennium Rainbowfish
- Blue Gourami
- Zebra Nerite Snail
- Dragon Scale Male Betta
- Halfmoon Double Tail Betta
- Rosaline Shark/Barb
- Black Midnight Veil Angel
- Black Skirt Tetra
- Peacock Cichlid
- Venustus Cichlid
- Tiger Oscar
- Fire Eel
- Fantail Golfish
- Asst. Koi
- Bosemani Rainbowfish
- Yellow Rainbowfish
- Congo Tetra
- Red Eye Tetra
- Neon Tetra
- White Cloud Mountain Minnow
- Cardinal Tetra
- Gold Dojo Loach
- Sterbai Cory
- Longfin Panda Cory
- Long Fin Tiger Barb
- Asst. Endler Guppies
- Skunk Cory
- Black Ghost Knife