Please note, we try our hardest to keep this list up to date, but as our livestock is constantly being sold and replenished, we advise you to contact us before traveling to the store if you’re interested in a particular animal.
- Shaving Brush
- Pom Pom
- Mermaids Fan
- Haitian Condylactis Anenome
- Red Knobby Star
- Serpent Starfish
- Astrea Snails
- Sally Lightfoot Crab
- Banded Coral Shrimp
- Horseshoe Crab
- Scarlet Red Hermit Crabs
- Emerald Crabs
- Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
- Arrow Crab
- Sand Sifting Starfish
- Sea Hare
- Tiger Pistol Shrimp
- Red Banded Trochus Snails
- Rock Flower Anemone
- Golden Tail Moray
- Porkfish
- Cowfish
- Pudding Wife Wrasse
- Blue Head Wrasse
- Atlantic Blue Tang
- Balloon Puffer
- Yellow Headed Jawfish (Pearly Jawfish)
- Spanish Hog
- Blue Reef Chromis
- Reef Butterfly
- Royal Gramma
- Atlantic Pygmy Angel
- Rock Beauty Angel
- Blue Angel
- Queen Angel
- Golden Hamlet
- Spotted Drum
- Melanurus Wrasse
- Yellow Tail Damsels
- Domino Damsels
- Azure Damsels
- Green Chomis
- Harlequin Tusk
- Orange Back Fairy Wrasse
- Purple Firefish
- Diamond Goby
- Hippo Blue Tang
- Strawberry Basslet
- Springeri Damsel
- Long Nose Butterfly
- Bangaii Cardinal
- Red Mandarin Goby
- Juvenile Emperor Angel
- Valentini Puffer
- Copperband Butterfly
- Powder Blue Tang
- Bi-Color Blenny
- Panther Grouper
- Blonde Naso Tang
- Talbots Damsel
- Carpenter's Fairy Wrasse (Male)
- Yellow Rabbit Fish
- Majestic Angel (Show Size)
- Dragon's Breath
- Amphipods
- Tube Anenome
- Blue and Red Linkia Starfish
- Cleaner Shrimp
- Blue Spiny Lobster
- Sexy Shrimp
- Harlequin Shrimp
- Blue Coral Banded Shrimp
- Long Tentacle Anemone
- Peppermint Shrimp
- Decorator Crab
- Flame Angel
- Cortez Angel
- Emperor Angel
- Bartletts' Anthias
- Dispar Anthias
- Leopard Wrasse
- Square Anthias
- Starry Blenny
- Achilles Tang
- Azure Damsel
- Aptasia Eating Filefish
- Citron Goby
- Diamond Goby
- Tiger Wardi Watchmen Goby
- Yashia Haze Goby
- Flame Hawkfish
- Arc Eye Hawkfish
- Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
- Zebra Dwarf Lionfish
- Hybrid Powder Blue x White Cheek Tang
- Half Moon Trigger
- Blue Ribbon Eel
- Six Line Wrasse
- Solorensis Fairy Wrasse
- Timor Wrasse
- Fuscus Trigger
- Royal Gramma
- Maroon Clown Pair
- Jewel Damsel
- Zebra Swallowtail Angel Pair
- Hippo Blue Tang
Aquacultured Fish
- Orange Ocellaris Clowns
- Black Ocellaris Clowns
- Extreme Misbar Clowns
- Black Gladiator Pair
- LuxLightning Maroon Clown
- Mocha Storm Pair
- Hybrid Storm Clown
- Longfin Ocellaris
- Premium Mocha Gladiator Pair
- Shaving Brush
- Chato
- General Starfish
- Purple Urchin
- Calico Crab
- Blue Leg Hermits
- Mexican Red Leg Hermits
- Scarlett Hermits
- Lettuce Nudibranch
- Arrow Crab
- Atlantic Starfish
- Sand Sifting Starfish
- Coral Banded Shrimp
- Ninja Star Snail
- Rock Urchin
- Condy Anemone
- Chiton
- Peppermint Shrimp
- Milk Conch
- Sally Lightfoot Crab
- Pithos Crab
- Emerald Crab
- Asst. Conchs
- Flame Angel
- Lemon-peel Angel
- Orange (Blue Eye) Anthias
- Fiji Devil Damsel
- Staghorn Damsel
- Blue Ribbon Eel
- Black Ribbon Eel
- Fiji Foxface
- Blue-line Trigger
- Clown Trigger
- Leopard Wrasse
- Scott's Velvet Fairy Wrasse
- Sohal Tang
- Mustard Tang
- Purple Tang
- Lawnmower Blenny
- Flameback Angel
- Niger Trigger
- Picasso Trigger
- Convict Tang
- Eibli Mimic Tang
- Clown Tang
- Diamond Goby
- Rectangular Trigger
- Yellow Belly Hippo Tang
- Purple/Orange Stripe Kole Tang
- Queen Angel - Adult & Juvenile
- Belted Sand Basslet
- Juvenile Spotlight Parrotfish
- Juvenile French Angel
- Juvenile Grey Angel
- Spot Fin Butterfly
- Blue Reef Chromis
- Dusky Jawfish
- Porcupine Puffer
- Spade Fish
- Royal Gramma
- Black Cap Basslet
- Spiny Boxfish/Burr Fish
- Princess Parrotfish
- Atlantic Flounder
- Chain Link Eel
- Golden Dogface Puffer
- Yellow Stingray
- Southern Stingray
Aquacultured Fish
- Orange Ocellaris Clowns
- Black Ocellaris Clowns
- Premium Goldflake Maroon Clown
- Orchid Dottyback
- Naked Cinnamon Clown Pair
- Premium Mocha Gladiator Clown Pair
- Longfin Ocellaris Clown Pair
- Snowflake Clown Pair
- Threaded Ocellaris
- Snowstorm Clown
- Pink Skunk Clown Pair
- Semi Storm Clown
- Thunder Maroon Clown
- Saddle Back Clown
- Neon Dottyback
- Aptasia Eating Filefish